North Vikings Come & Try Hockey Day (SANCILH56)


Sat 28 Apr 2018 13:00 — 20:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Register Your Attendance for the 'Come & Try' and  Skills Clinic as a:

  • Participant
  • Coach/Official
  • Member Organiser / Helper
  • Non-Member Volunteer


1pm - 2pm  - FREE 'Come and Try' Inline Hockey for beginners.

  • North Vikings Inline Hockey Club are looking for Junior players between  5-14 years of age, to start in the next season.
  • Completely free! All you need to bring are your own Inline Skates and Bike Helmet.

2pm - 8pm - Skills Clinics for Juniors (15 yrs & under) & Seniors (16yrs & over)

  • 15yrs & under $5
  • 16yrs & over $10


Payment for the Skills Clinic 

Use as Ref: SANCILH56- initial & surname

Account Name: North Vikings Inline Hockey Club

Account Number: 0351 2616

BSB: 325-185

Bank: Beyond Bank


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