
ILHA - Inline Hockey Officials Pathway, Structure and Course Material

Published Tue 07 Apr 2020

ILHA - Inline Hockey Officials Pathway, Structure and Course Material

ILHA introduce you to the new inline officials' structure, pathway and course.
This structure has been designed to give pathways for experienced referees, as well as training new officials to a competency standard, rather than simply how many hours they have tallied up.

All officials courses presented must utilise the presentation and documentation which can be accessed by using the link below.

Post attending the course, each new official must be assigned a mentor who will assist with completing the "New Official Accreditation Assessment", and help them develop as officials.

Any accreditation application is to be accompanied by the following forms:

ILHA Officials Application Form

Play by the Rules Child Protection
Play by the Rules Harassment and Discrimination
Community Officiating General Principles
Code of Ethics

New Official Accreditation Assessment
Attachment K - New officials hours record

ILHA have created a facebook page "Australian Inline Zebras", to provide a forum for referees to exchange experiences and information.

The "Learn More" button takes you to the same google drive link as above, and houses resources such as the officials course and presentation, rule books, game report sheets, tribunal processes and much more.


Files for download
Officials Accreditation Guide


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